Monday, September 3, 2012

Laborious Sentinments

September 3, 2012

Labor Day.

I've always looked forward to Labor Day. A three day weekend from work. An extra day to spend with friends and family. A day to go on hikes, or to the beach. A day for me.

Now that I no longer have a "traditional" job, this day means something different. Today I reflected on what labor means.

I have a habit of labeling others based on what they do. A person is an artist, a musician, an accountant, a doctor. In some instances, labeling a person by their occupation is an accurate representation of their inner picture. But for others, their jobs are merely affording them the ability to be who they really are when the work day is over.

For a big part of my life, I was living somewhere in the "in between". I was an accountant...but part of the reason I had my career was to afford me other opportunities in life.

Now I look inward and try to attach a label to my current labor. What do I do? Is it of value? How do I judge whether or not my efforts are valuable? On Labor Day, what activity should I stop doing if I'm truly taking the day off?

Labor Day 2012. I couldn't figure it out. I don't have a clue what my job is. I'm doing so many different things. I spent today reading, learning, socializing, writing, and taking care of my day to day responsibilities.

By next year...I want to have a clearer concept of what constitutes "labor" to me. I want to know what my label is. This ambiguity is stressing me out. And next Labor Day...I want to know what not to do.

Happy Labor Day. Hope I was alone in the perplexing nature of all that was today.

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