Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31, 2012 Trying to blog on an iPad is frustrating. I miss the feel of actual keys when I write...but am thinking that this might be a better option when I travel. So far, I'm incredibly unimpressed composing anything other than a general email on this tablet. Choice. There are so many choices. I wish the choice was easier....or at least I wish I had fewer options. I'm like a child. You can ask me if I want pizza or a burger. Don't ask me what do I want to eat. Don't give me unlimited choices or I get totally paralyzed. So in trying to figure out the best choice for the future...somehow I'm going to have to narrow down the choices. If I was guaranteed countless lifetimes...it would be easy. Since I might have about 40 years (give or take) ahead if me...time is definitely a limitation. I want to be a storyteller. But how do I want to tell the stories. And what else do I want to do with my life? So far...I'm focusing on taking care of my physical self and working towards an understanding of what my innate gifts might be. Best story in my life. Haiti. Basically a country of little or no choice. AND the people I met were happy...maybe because they didn't know anything else. That's the happiness I want to find. The self love that and happiness that is not based on external forces...but rather is internal. Well...off to try to figure some things out (and maybe off to take a hammer to the iPad)!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012

Well...what did I do today?

Figuring out my new future is quite frustrating. Frustrating because of the endless possibilities. I know I want to write...be a story-teller. It's just, how do I transition from a life where I put an economic value to every decision into a life where I embrace the creative world?

I keep thinking school will help. Possibly getting a masters in fine arts specializing in writing. But is this really how I need to approach this change?

I need to rewire my brain to think differently. Parents, school, and work / life experience has created the person I am now. Would going back to school help in the rewiring process?

And, if I go to school...UCLA and CalArts are both calling my name. Such very different institutions. How do I choose the right school for me?

Best of all...I need to find a mentor in a field I am completely unfamiliar with.

Starting over...every possibility ahead...but VERY frustrating.

Started a blog today. Not sure yet what I am doing this for...except to have a place to express myself outside of Facebook.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life (or something like that). Let's make sure I've learned the lessons of the past so I can transcend into a new tomorrow.

Maybe somebody reads this. Maybe not.

A blog about love & loss, passion, music, adventure, travel, friends, family, animal companions, dating, mistakes, lessons, trying to make a difference...well...a blog about ME.