Sunday, April 1, 2012

School days are here again...

April 1, 2012

Somewhere in my soul I've always wanted to tell stories...stories that inspire, teach, or touch somebody's heart. I 41 years old going back to school to do just that...learn how to write.

The first half of my life is gone. I had a great time...but it's time to do something new. For the first time I am going after my own dream...and not someone else's. I am following this path because it is what I truly want to do...not because I have to do it. And even the fact that I can attempt this is nothing short of a blessing.

Tomorrow I go back to school. I hope every day to learn at least one new thing...even if it is "where's the best place to park" or "where can I get a good cup of coffee on campus".  But I really hope to compose better sentences, tell riveting stories, and make a small difference in someone else's life.

Huell Howser...move over. I want to start telling the stories.